Guilt and the Entrepreneur

Guilt is something that can sucker punch us all – but it is a wasted emotion when it comes to building a successful business. And since I have personally built five successful businesses that comes from experience.

So, these are my five things to never feel guilty about when building ow working on your business.

Guilt & the Entrepreneur | Inspiration | Trudy Heins | Business & Money Coach

1 Tunnel vision

Building a business takes time and commitment. You need to focus and make your business your priority. This does not mean it comes at the cost of everything else – family, friends, partners – however it does mean that instead of binge-watching that TV series or socialising all weekend you need a clear mind and focus to achieve your best work. Make no excuses or apologies for your drive and passion to succeed.

2 Asking for help.

In a small business you are often CEO and marketing manager, business development specialist, finance dept, HR, administrator and general dog’s body. This can be exhausting and overwhelming. Let us face it “you don’t know what you don’t know” so often a unique perspective on a problem or concern can often provide a solution you would have never thought of and can elevate your business to the next level. Talk to peers, family, and friends to gain insight into how your business is viewed in the public arena and engage a business coach to keep you accountable and guide you in the areas you don’t feel confident in. 

3 Investing in your business.

A carefully considered investment in your business is never a bad idea because it’s an investment in your passion and future. Of course, I reiterate it must be carefully considered and you need to be confident in the ROI (return on investment). This can be outsourcing something that does not give you joy such has social media because if you dislike it so much you won’t give it your best!  Investing in superior quality equipment that won’t let you down and creates a professional result. Or seeking guidance from someone who can help you focus and commit to the ultimate success of your passion such as a business and money coach.

4 Taking a risk.

As an ex financial planner of 30 years’ experience, I always used to tell my clients “No one ever became rich without taking some type of risk” and the same philosophy rings true in business. Do you think Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Oprah became who they are without taking a risk? Risk is relative to return and if you want a return on your passion then you need to put yourself out there.

Risk does not mean investing all your capital or taking on huge debt, it can be shouting yourself, your business, and your ideas to the world even when there is the possibility for ridicule. Just because your friends and family do not understand what you’re looking to achieve – trust me others will, and your ideas will resonate with those you who provide a solution for. 

Doubters be damned!

5 Taking time for you and rewarding yourself for your wins. 

With all the arduous work, sometimes the wins feel a bit rare so it’s super important you celebrate them when they come.

This will help you stay the distance and remind yourself why you’re not sitting in a highly paid job focusing on only one role.

Let’s face it if you’re an entrepreneur, you just can’t imagine doing anything else right!

So, take that bubble bath, drink that champagne, buy that something your heart desires and put it on your desk. Because every time you look at it will remind you – why you wake up and pursue your passion every day!

As Debbie Ford says

An exciting and inspiring future awaits you beyond the noise in your mind, beyond the guilt, doubt, fear, shame, insecurity, and heaviness of the past you carry around.

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